Types and techniques of massage

Body rubs

Since ancient times, massage has been considered a useful health-improving treatment. There are many types of body rubs used by massage specialists: the techniques differ in effectiveness and the way they are performed. The process consists in stimulating the nerve endings of the skin and muscle fibers. An impulse from them goes to certain parts of the brain, which in response stimulates different parts of the human body.

The massage procedures are divided into hygienic (wellness), therapeutic, cosmetic and sports. Wellness body rubs:

  • contribute to the improvement of the general condition of the body;
  • harden and increase the resistance to infections;
  • contribute to the normalization of the skin;
  • stimulate regenerative processes;
  • reduce the rate of aging of the epidermis.

There is the general massage as well as the rubbing of individual areas of the body. These procedures can be carried out in separate sessions or together with strengthening exercises.

The wellness massage improves the performance while keeping the client’s vivacity and strong in spirit. It can be done in the morning, afternoon, and evening.

A therapeutic massage is prescribed exclusively by a doctor. It is part of a comprehensive treatment for patients suffering from diseases of the heart, blood vessels, musculoskeletal, nervous, respiratory and other body systems. Massage as cure is widely used in medicine. It is called classic massage. It can only be performed with the participation of a physical therapist.

Body rubbing techniques

Body rubs for men

The body rubs system consists of basic and supplementary techniques as well as their combinations. According to the degree of influence, the massage techniques can be deep, medium, and percussive. Traditional massage includes such elements as:

  • stroking;
  • rubbing;
  • pressing;
  • vibration;
  • warm-up.

The specialist prepares an individual massage program for each client, taking into account the client’s wishes as well as existing disorders. Combined methods involve the use of two techniques in one procedure. In this case one hand can perform one type of massage and the other hand can perform another.

The intensity and duration of the procedure increases for each subsequent session, allowing the human body to gradually adapt to the new loading. During the first treatments, too vigorous body movements should be avoided. In addition, excessively long massages are not recommended at the initial stage.